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Our Annual Conference

Our annual conference is where we meet face to face each year to develop, invigorate and problem solve.

As a member school you shape this day by telling us what you want to hear and how we can make this day as worthwhile as possible. Have you ever been to a conference where you have felt disconnected from the subject matter. It feels right in theory but just misse the mark in terms of context to yuor setting. Often the conference is put together from the person deliverying point of view and not shaped by those attending. We want to flip this perpective and created our conference based on yuor ideas. We send a questionairre to all our members to find out what they want to learn how they want to develop and what the challenges they are facing daily so we can address them at our conference. 

Our first years conference will be in October this year then move to March form 2026 onwards. 

We send out our surveys in May and then shape the itinerary based upon your feedback. Over the summer we will send you the schedule and you can then book in your member area if you would like to attend.

Remember as a member school you plus one other staff member can attend for free. 

To book on to any courses create an account and then book onto the sessions you want to attend.

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